Well of course they'll ask for input from Indonesia, but you know - there's more information coming in than the ministers can read : >
On the topic of the Papuans, I think the best argument was a letter I read in TheAge. They essentially pointed out that we didn't expect to be consulted about the drug trafficers caught recently, and took on-board the fact that Indonesia has it's own laws. The same can/should be said for immigrants.
But yeah.. I'd probably support the government in seeking to take some heat out of this issue. Howard gives them a morsel, and everybody can take a step back. Whether that amounts to anything much is another matter entirely. For myself - I sorta accept, based on recent reading, that the Papuans have been mistreated. Still, we can't rehouse thousands on them. The answer is probably to let DIMA shuffle papers for a while, while quietly protecting the people involved.
Whether such a matter can be trusted to DIMA and Vanstone is another matter of concern however, in my view.