Originally Posted by matthew330
"Seaver, is the difference in the opinions of American poll respondents, as to the "correctness" and accuracy of judgment , related to the decision to invade Iraq, and the overall job approval rating of president Bush, today, vs. three years ago,
more about people becoming aware of what they could have known three years ago, or is it the influence of the "message" of the liberal media, and folks like.....me?"
..straight from the mouth of left winger. The masses are just too ignorant. They can't see what I see, when I see it - they need people like me to show them the light.
The answer to this question would be neither, with a little help from the latter. The relatively stagnant progress in the last year an half or so, would explain the opinion polls. Not that surprising.
Just so it will be clearer to other readers....the comments that I made that matthew330 apparently "pushed back" from, were in reaction to these comments.....in a post that I linked to, in <b>5.)</b> in my last post:
......"Now the real question should be does the U.S. plan to attack Iran. That I would have to say is no, the American people have been demoralized by the constant attacks on the Iraq invasion by the left and their press-allies long enough that it has crippled our ability to react militarily to any conflict."