You know, there's a lot of things I love about men that aren't romantic.
- There's more geekery
- I can punch them without hurting them too much... or at least without having them admit it hurts
- They're so nice to hug, because the majority of them are bigger than me and it feels like you're being completely enveloped.
- They laugh and playfully wrestle you if you tackle them
- The way some of them get into the "nonchalent but completely grossed out" thing if you talk about your period
- There's always something you can only learn from a male, simply because of the unique perspective
- I find that men are often more approachable than women
- Males are very protective of their female friends. They all seem to want to play big brother to a little sis'.
- They often have better gossip than women do. They hear the guy's stuff.
I like men a lot. For the most part, I prefer the company of guys to girls, but that may just be because of the people I hang around with.