I used to be a very jealous person. Until my relationship turned to hell. To be honest, I had reason to be jealous (actually, I should have just left at that point). However, when everything went bad and was in tatters, I realized something. I didn't have to live like that. I was destroying myself. I was miserable and full of hatred. After that, I made peace with myself. I realized that I didn't have to stick in a relationship where I was intentionally being provoked into jealous rages. I made a pact with myself that I was going to start treating myself better by not putting myself in situations with the kind of person who would do that to me. Also, I realized at that point too, that I'm better off alone than with someone who will betray me. I'm not sure what your situation is. Is he provoking you in some way? Are you just jealous for no reason? In my case, I had never seen a healthy relationship. My parents were divorced because my father cheated, among other things. Same thing with 99% of my relatives. Deep inside, I thought that all men were like that. Sooner or later, I would be betrayed. So I was always on the lookout for signs. The trick is to learn to love yourself. Realize that everything doesn't have to be out of your control. You can take it back by stepping outside of the situation. Not sure if this made a lot of sense, but I hope it helped.