Originally Posted by Ustwo
Will can you explain to me why a nation who sits on the second largest natural gas reserve is so gung ho to enrich uranium and won't let the UN inspect? The Iranian president boasted today how they will have 1000's of enrichement cetrifuges going today. I'll lay off the 9/11 stuff, I've already posted my debunking where it belongs on that other board.
I'm sure they'd like to export their largest natural resource in order to support their econemy. I'm sure you're familiar with opportunity cost. If they burned their oil and gas internally, they would miss out on the revenue from exporting them. Besides, even conservative estimates say that oil will be exhausted in roughly 100 years. What idiot would put the future of their econemy on a good that has a shelf life that short? Oh wait...
Back in August 2005, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fatwa forbidding the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons. That's Iranian law.
This is the same type of situation that lead up to the failed Iraq war: the US makes bogus claims about how a country on the other side of the world that coincedentally has very valuable natural resources is a danger to us, so we have to go and stop them! Well guess what, there is still NO proof that the Iranians are persuing nuclear weapons, and plenty of proof that they are seeking nuclear power, which isn't just 100% legal, it's also very smart.