Originally Posted by willravel
Something beyond Condelezza coming on and saying, "We have proof." I'd like to see pictures, testimony, physical evidence and such (the same type of evidence in the 9/11 thread, if you'd care to look instead of occasionally badmouthing me in politics).
Will can you explain to me why a nation who sits on the second largest natural gas reserve is so gung ho to enrich uranium and won't let the UN inspect? The Iranian president boasted today how they will have 1000's of enrichement cetrifuges going today. I'll lay off the 9/11 stuff, I've already posted my debunking where it belongs on that other board.
Originally Posted by ubertuber
I've got to say this - I don't think they're wack-jobs in Iran. They're just looking out for their own interests, which clearly don't coincide with ours. If I was the Iranian president, I might be trying to get nukes too - I just wouldn't be so blatant about it. It doesn't really seem fair or realistic to expect other countries to act in OUR best interests, especially when they think those interests are counter to their own.
Uber if a bunch of white men got together and had an international meeting to claim the holocaust was a lie, said that Israel should be wiped from the face of the earth and sponcered a anti-Semitic cartoon contest would they be 'wack jobs'? Well thats just what Iran just did, cept they weren't white so its ok I guess.