Not true; they were deliberately vague.
The people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights were very precise in their wording.
1) i think it would better to cut this one down the middle. In places where they were clear they were precise (1st Amendment). In places where they were unsure they vague (Commerce & Necessary and Proper Clauses). There were many unknowns at the end of the 1700s, and there was a lot of bet hedging going on.
2) Which is all a way of saying - I dont know how i feel on this Second Amendment thing. I dont think that framer had a clear view of were guns were going. There hadnt been a lot of change in the 50 years before the bill of rights and where wasnt much change for 50 years after the bill of rights (i understand this is an overstatement, but my knowledge of 18th-19th century arms is small)
i do not believe that they could of saw the major tech shifts coming and i think that the 2nd Amendment needs to be looked at in that light
that is not to say we ought to be banning guns b/c of this, it is something that needs to be kept in mind when talking about things like wait times and trigger locks.