Tilted Blogs
So, I want to develop TFP some more. A little poke at being more relevant.
Tilted Blogs
Yea, I know... a) every site on the planet has gone into blog territory and b) we already have journals.
Well, I sorta wanna redeem myself for the undertaking that never was, also known as Tilted Magazine. We wanted a periodical, but what we got was nothing but work. A few featured blogs will accomplish the same thing, I think, and provide content at a more constant pace too. Journals are great on the site, but they aren't FEATURES. They have no precedence in content.. they are an equal opportunity playground that anyone can get into. This will be different.
Here's what I'm looking for:
I want 10+ bloggers. I want each blogger to have their own focus. By that I mean something specific that they will document with each posting. For example, I have a friend who has a blog on MLBlogs.com and his deal is he collects baseballs at baseball games. He's not an ordinary fan - he actually has the record for most baseballs collected at games. That's what makes his experience and viewpoint unique and interesting... and worthy of a blog (an award-winning one at that). So I'm looking for people who do things fairly regularly that the average person does not do and may be curious about.
Are you involved in a program or a society that is exclusive or misunderstood? Do you have a job or hobby that allows you to experience noteworthy things? Are you trying to accomplish something that will take dedication and a lot of daily/weekly work?
You don't have to stand out with your lifestyle though, you could lead an ordinary life like the rest of us, but have a unique view of the world around you. Can you write interesting entries that are both stimulating and perceptive? Can you make people laugh with your powers of observation? Do you take photos, create sketches, or even record soundbytes on a constant basis?
I'm looking for subjects that are appealing from all sorts of standpoints. The main thing, though, is that I want a commitment to update at least once a week.
If you would like to contribute to this project, please send me a PM and pitch your blog to me. I'm looking for good writing skills above all. If I get enough response from this, I'll implement the changes needed to get this going and we can begin relatively soon. If you have anything to add or any opinions on the idea, please feel free to post...