Originally Posted by kutulu
Then fine, what is the acceptable standard for serving search warrants to anyone? I just don't get why cops having guns and body armor during a search warrant sounds like an issue.
well, for one thing, when you approach EVERY warrant serve with armed swat teams, you get accidents like the one that befell Dr. Salvatore Culosi in virginia. Dr. Culosi was an eye doctor in FairFax county who was being served a warrant for illegal bookmaking. He'd been the focus of a sting operation and at no time during that operation did any of the undercovers spot him with a weapon and he wasn't known to own any weapons, yet when the police showed up to serve the warrant, he walked out on to his porch to meet the police officers, unarmed, and in the course of being served the warrant, was shot once in the chest by a county officer. Dr. Culosi died as a result and the officer that shot him blamed the 'accident' on him being tired. He will face no charges in the drs death. I could completely understand serving a warrant with an armed team if the 'probable cause' is related to any violent crime, but in situations where there is no sign of the suspect to be violent or armed and the probable cause issue is non-violent in nature, there is no reason to use paramilitary outfits to serve the warrants.