Originally Posted by xepherys
The PRANK is usually to say something funny (or offensive depending on the kids making the call).
actually many prank calls to 9-1-1 aren't of the funny stuff and hang up variety... maybe prank isnt the best word, but usually its kids wanting to see what happens when they call, so they think up something fake to report, call in, then when you start questioning them for more info they realize that maybe this wasnt a good idea, stop answering your questions, get scared and then hang up. so yeah, usually the prank calls to 9-1-1 arn't your usual "refridgerator running" variety.
As to getting busy signals when calling 9-1-1... there are a limited number of trunks into each center based on population of the area the center serves. For instance, in our center there are 4 trunks. The service area is roughly divided into sectors based on physcal location. There is a limit as to how many calls can originate simultaneously from a single sector. This is so that if there is a major event in one geographic area the center lines dont get swamped and nobody else from another area in town can get in. We have alot of interface area here (homes placed on 2-4acre parcels in wooded areas) when we get good lightning storms that strike any of the mountains around the populated homes we get 100's of calls from every home owner out there. The system makes it so that no more than 2 of our 4 trunks will take calls from that sector so that anyone else calling from out there will get a busy signal until one of those 2 calls are dropped and then another one will ring in. this makes it so that if someone else needs an ambulance across town or something like that while this lightning strike is occuring they can still get in because not all 4 trunks are tied up with everyone calling about the fire.
So in your case, if you were calling about an incident that occured in a public place where it was likely a few other people were already calling in about it, that is why you would be getting a busy signal.