Battery life: When should I charge my cell phone?
Hey guys. Just picked myself up a new Motorola Slvr cell phone. I was reading an online forum and a handful of people said they get 3-7 days of battery life (moderate to high useage) on a single charge.
This got me thinking. My recent Motorola would completely die sometime in the afternoon if I didn't charge it the night before, IE it would go an entire day, through the night, and shortly into the next day on a single charge. I'm hoping to steer well away from this fate and am wondering what charge schedule I should work on.
Before, I would just charge it mainly through the night, every night, and sometimes during the day when I was home for extended periods of time. Is this either unnecessary or bad for these types of batteries? Should I go as long as possible until it runs out and then fully recharge it?
Thanks for any knowledge and info guys.
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--Acknowledge your weaknesses--