They were discussing this on the radio this morning and about 5 different cops from the Metro Detroit Area called in and defended the operators. They blamed the situation on a shortage in the department and putting calls on priority. While I understand the shortage going on around here, that doesn't account for the operator's attitude. Even if she was unsure of it being a prank or not, she should of sent someone out to check at least. On the first call, the operator said she would dispatch the police and then proceeded to hang up on the child. She never dispatched anyone. The child sat there and waited, watching his mother die. When he called the second time, he got a lecture and was told he was in trouble, then he proceeded to hang up.
As for the child's reluctancy to answer the woman's questions, what would anyone expect. The child is 5 years old (now 6) and his mother is on the floor passed out. He was scared and confused and probably couldn't answer her questions.
My nephew called 911 on my phone without my knowledge. My nephew, 2 at the time, said "Hi" and then hung up. The police showed up 15 minutes later. At the time, I lived right outside of Detroit.