Originally Posted by Biffaloo420
*Nikki* that is funny that you said that you and your ex were together six years because my relationship is coming up on its six year anniversary. I guess I also should have said this...Until about the last six months of our relationship my husband and I had sex at least five or six times a week. Then all of the sudden things kind of started changing. It seems as if he is no longer the man I married (for many other reasons as well). I have never actually caught him in the act or anything. I only see all of the different websites, chat rooms, web cams, etc that he seems to visit. Once this was all brought to my attention I definitely felt betrayed! Only because I am sitting here going wtf because I am sure as hell not satisfied either. We talked and he blew things way out of proportion and said it was basically my fault for having to go to bed so early (for work when he doesn't even have a fucking job) and that because we're married he's not trying to "beat it up". Things did die down quite a bit since the talk but I am still not getting satisfied. I am only 22 years old and told him when we met that I enjoy having sex quite frequently and am almost never "not in the mood"! So, I guess all in all, if I am not denying him of sex, why would he feel such a need or desire to porn surf so frequently? And because of this should I feel betrayed?
Well, I don't want to psychoanalyze or even begin to pretend I know enough about your husband to make any claims about him, but how long has he been out of a job? I know from experience that a husband who doesn't work while his wife gets up every day and goes out to earn the money needed to support the family can develop self-esteem issues. And I am not talking about relationships where there is a mutual decision made for the man to stay home and care for the kids while the mom works - and can afford to support the family on her one paycheck - but ones where the man just will not go out and work and/or hold a steady job. He could be dealing with some control issues that are forgotten in enjoying fantasy and pornography. Combined with the fact that pornography can be quite addictive. If any of this rings true, then I would suggest some deep heart-to-hearts and most likely some marriage counseling.