I suspect that new efforts are being "ramped up" to "catapult the propaganda", and give us, "all the news that fits".
The good news, "under reported" by the liberal media. We taxpayers are paying for this, folks!! A phony war of choice, with tightly manipulated and controlled "news" of the consequences...the blowback, authored by the same untrustworthy f**ks who got us mired in this disaster, in the first place.....
Last week, an email containing the following was sent to DOE employees:
In response to the President's directive to provide support for the reconstruction and stabilization efforts in Iraq, the Secretary of State has requested that DOE assist in finding a qualified Petroleum Industry Expert and Public Affairs Specialists willing to work at the U.S. embassy in Iraq. The job descriptions are below.....
.....<b>These positions supervise all media aspects of news conferences, press events, media day trips, and media interaction with all high level US visitors; work with Iraqi Government officials at the local level to develop, plan, and implement media events showcasing progress in various regions in Iraq; and develop relationships with the American press corps, International press, Regional Arabic press, US and Coalition Military Forces, and Iraqi press to help facilitate media coverage of events throughout Iraq.</b>
The positions are duty stationed in Baghdad, Iraq. Both offices and living quarters are in the International (Green) Zone, secured by U.S. military personnel and Department of State Diplomatic Security, although there is apt to be travel outside the International Zone under the protection of security forces.
Last week, an email containing the following was sent to Dept. of Commerce employees:
Public Affairs - Global Outreach (GO) Team
Commerce Employee detailed to Department of State's Iraq Reconstruction Management Office
Report to U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Officer
Open to Commerce Permanent Career and Political Public Affairs Professionals
Multiple positions available - 3 to 12 month assignments
Language: not required
Position Description: GO Team members generally will serve in Iraq on a three-month rotational basis; some members may be detailed or assigned to Baghdad for a full year. <b>Supervises all media aspects of news conferences, press events, media day trips and media interaction with all high level U.S. visitors including Congressional Delegations. Coordinates media day trips highlighting reconstruction projects and progress in governance at the provincial level.</b> Works with Iraqi Government officials at the local level to develop, plan and implement media events showcasing progress in various regions of Iraq. Develops relationships with American press corps, International press, Regional Arabic press, US and Coalition Military Forces, and the Iraqi press to help facilitate media coverage of events throughout Iraq.
<b>GO Teams will consist of 8-12 persons whose focus is building a sustained capability to facilitate media coverage throughout Iraq,</b> building upon the success of three previous iterations of Public Diplomacy "Surge Teams." Go Teams will supplement US Embassy Baghdad's Public Affairs Office, work in conjunction with MNF-I public affairs officers, and support public affairs outreach activities of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) and Regional Embassy Offices (REOs) located outside of Baghdad.
Can anyone defend this as "normal" or a justified expense. Do congressmen who allow themselves to be "steered around" Iraq by these DOE or DOC "minders", have any credibility when they speak to the press about their "trips to Iraq", after these "tours".
Didn't Saddam assign "minders" to steer and to observe all visitors, including the weapons inspectors? Is this a demonstration of "democracy" or of "free", unfettered press coverage?
I guess that the May 2003 aircraft carrier, "flight suit" publicity stunt worked too well to abandon style in pursuit of substance.