Anyone ever left a guild from whom you've acquired a lot of experience and equipment but whose system just isn't working out for you anymore?
My guild has graudally done enough stupid crap that I'm tired of putting up with that I'm seeking alternatives. On the other hand, I have received 2xGS and 4xDS, epic rings, neck and cloak from the guild and being in the guild has taught me really all I know about endgame raiding. The guild just isn't going in a direction that I like and I don't have the confidence in the officers that I feel like I should have to be a good part of the team.
When I get another offer, I'm going to take it, but I wondered if any of you had any advice how I might say good bye to my old guild, thank them for all they've provided me and wish them luck without seeming like the guy who cashed out on epics and disappeared. If you've any thoughts, I'd apprecaite it.
Last edited by Frosstbyte; 04-10-2006 at 01:05 AM..