Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Ok, I can agree with that. SOME criminals are stopped. IMHO, not enough are stopped to make the laws worthwhile and we should be examining other methods.
Well I'm glad you recognise that at least some criminals are stopped. Don't forget that I think that current gun control laws need an overhaul.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
checks and balances between the populace and the government? Will, in the united states, the government gets their power FROM us. WE are the last check on government run amok. The only checks and balances that should exist are between the three branches of gov. Just like in pre WW2 germany, a large enough civilian populace took matters in to their own hands, dissassembled their government and created another one.....a really crappy murderous one, but it was within their power to do so....just like our ancestors did in the revolutionary war. just like we should in todays times.
Wait, what are we talking about here? I though we were talkng about gun control, not a civilian coup.