Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Will, are you seriously trying to tell me that criminals carry their weapons openly in this country? If you are, then there are bigger issues here that deal directly with you.
Unless we have the statistics, your talking down to me is meaningless.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
If a branch of government cannot make something illegal because of the constitution, the next method of removing it from society is to make it too expensive. Look at how the current administration/DoJ is attacking online pornography for an example of this. The NFA has had this exact effect by making it near impossible for the average income citizen to be able to afford the $200 tax. It's also caused the supply of these to go down making the costs very expensive.
Then Porsche is guilty of keeping fast cars from law abiding citizens. I'm sorry, but if there were to be a law that prevented people rom getting guns, it would keep all people from getting guns.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
You missed a few.
Implemented the Form 4473 (yellow form) for purchases - a registration system, a precursor to confiscation.
You aren't going to convince anyone by citing examples of 'precursers'. Apollo 11 was a precurser to the first mission to Mars, but we're not there yet.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Attempted to address "Saturday Night Specials" by prohibiting from import small handguns. - The basic removal of inexpensive handguns market to those who don't have alot of money.
Same argument as above.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
establish of minimum ages for firearms purchasers - Back in the days before a 'nanny' state, a 16 year old could go buy a rifle or shotgun. In the more rural areas, this was the mark of a boy becoming a man. Not any more.
If they can't vote, then they shouldn't have weapons.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
In 1986, Mayor Daley and the chicago council passed several ordinances. One of them being that there would be no more handgun registration in the city limits. This was grandfathered so that all those that were registered before a certain date could be kept, all others must be turned in. Later, it was extended to long guns. Now, with the Firearm owners ID system, any citizen of chicago that buys a gun gets a visit from the friendly neighborhood jack booted thugs and a search warrant. This keeps guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens only, since criminals do not go out and buy guns legally leaving a paper trail.
So it's a gun ban. A gun ban is not gun control. Gun control is an effort to regulate of the sale and use of rifles and handguns. A ban is not regulatin, it is a ban. Also, it isn't semantics because you were answering a question that I asked: "...what gun control law denies 'law abiding citizens' from getting guns? Before you answer that question, remember that a gun ban is not gun control just like a fast is not a diet."
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
This removed the right to own a gun from a huge group of people whos sole crime could have been a couple of bounced checks. This is an egregious example abuse of power to limit who owns a gun instead of trying to keep it out of violent criminals hands.
If you are sent to prison for a year or more, you can't get a gun. If yoiu bounce checks repeatedly, you can go to jail. It's no abuse of power, it's simple common sense.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
restraining orders are rubberstamped on the word of the supposed victim and therefore you are removing the right from a person who's accused of something with no proof.
Without photos of bruises, police reports, doctor's reports, tape recordings of telephone conversations, etc. the judge usually won't grant a restraining order. The decision on a restraining order is no less important than a court ruling. There cannot be a restraining order without proof.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Criminals cannot get a gun through legal means, it also makes criminals of people who make simple mistakes and get made examples of. what a great justice system you support.
Your 'people who make simple mistakes' are criminals. Do you want criminals to have guns or not?
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Lautenberg also made those under a domestic restraining order into prohibited persons. Restraining orders require little to no proof, making it possible to deny a right to someone who never actually committed a crime.
You should contact a local lawyer about restraining orders. They have a lot of useful and tested information on them, and could teach you a lot.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Here you are wrong, as I plainly showed you. You should do more research or use more credible resources instead of relying on biased information. If you want a real life example of removing guns from law abiding citizens, just take a look at post hurricane katrina. Let me know if you need a few links.
Do you know what resources I used? Nope. I didn't list any because I found all of it in my encyclopedia. If you want to argue with the encyclopedia, go right ahead. No need to shoot the messsenger. None of your examples showed guns being taken from law abiding citizens, so I don't know why you see this hidden menace with the intent of taking your gun. If you become a criminal, they will be within their legal right to take your guns and make sure you can't legally purchase guns.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
You are wrong, you can take all the preventative measures in the world and unless you live in a mini fort knox, Your life can still be taken by a criminal with a gun/knife/baseball bat. A gun can and will still save your life.
This is the fear I was talking about. So you're saying that even if I had military protection and several foot deep steel doors (fort knox) a criminal will come and get me? A gun is not a magic shield of protection. Guns are machines built to kill people. A gun is what you are afraid of, and yet you are willing to get a gun yourself for the purpous of defence. That is truely confusing.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
The last part is just your spin. I DO want criminals to fear me, it makes them decide to go elsewhere. In the world we have today, arming everybody is the only answer. You could only get me to acknowledge and decide to turn in my guns on one condition, guarantee me that no criminal will ever be able to lay his hands on a weapon against me. Can you do that? Didn't think so.
You mean spin like half your posts? Spin like posting articles that feature people getting killed and saying "See, a gun would have helped them!!!"?
I never aked you to turn your gun in, so stop trying to make it seem as if I had.
Edit: This is becoming adversarial again. My intent is to teach and learn on the subject, not win or lose. I apologize if anything I've written has been inapropriate to these ends. Know that I have a great deal of respect for you and have no wish to bring harm (potential or otherwise) or discomfort to you and yours.