The underlying carrier can easily make a difference, even if the upstream carrier is the same. Also, I assume Earthlink is DSL everywhere? If so, well, I'd generally recommend cable over DSL (there are a FEW exceptions). The cable infrastructure physically CAN allow for more bandwidth than DSL (Great, you have fiber to your local CO? Well, you don't have it to your house, so it doens't matter). A non-fiber cable system (there aren't many left in major population areas) still has higher potential than a fiber-based telco system ALMOST ALWAYS!
Also, the whole argument that telco's used to make about "shared trunks for cable" is bogus. Yes, the trunks are shared, but at some point upstream, so are phone trunks. With more people. On a slower backbone. And usually an older backbone. That might be less reliable.
Okay, enough broken thoughts... I recommend RR over Earthlink.