Auditory : 78%
Visual : 21%
Left : 53%
Right : 46%
GG, you are somewhat left-hemisphere dominant with a strong preference for auditory processing. This would normally indicate that you are a methodical and efficient person.
You may structure your free time as a way of getting the most out of it, but you are sufficiently loose enough to wander away from your schedule on occasion. Nobody, however, would call you impulsive.
Your auditory learning style is well-fitted with your attention to detail. Those situations where only visual data are provided could be frus- trating to you and your learning curve may go down as your anxiety goes up, unless you have "compensated."
In general you prefer to focus on one thing at a time while learning and give all of your concentration to that. You do not shift gears unnecessarily and may get frustrated when others do so. Your learning style is very much language-based and logical. In that regard, you concentrate on the functional and the applied aspects of problems or situations. You learn by listening and feel most comfortable in those situations emphasizing logic and consistency. You pace yourself in a consistent manner in both learning and work.
One danger that you might face is that you will over organize and over schedule and thus not generally experience spontaneity, and will lose sight of your own needs. In a similar vein you will not "see" others' needs, but will need them to "tell" you. Even though efficient and organized, you may not feel liked or appreciated. In much the same way, you may need someone to "tell" you to lighten up or look at the brighter side of things.
The overall indication is that you will be steady and reflective, be explicit in your approach to situations and have sufficient flexibility to apply different mental operations in those situations calling for them. You can see the "larger picture" and perceptual process in a simultaneous way although it is likely that you will then "translate" that experience into a more systematic and unidimensional category for subsequent usage.
Well, I definitely have an attention to detail, as I work in an environment that requires it. If impulsive doesn't mean that I would randomly take off to Europe for a month with 2 week's notice... yeah. so, not entirely correct. But close enough. I'm ambidextrous, so it doesn't suprize me that they would list my percentage of L/R brain usage as close to the same.
"Sometimes I have to remember that things are brought to me for a reason, either for my own lessons or for the benefit of others." Cynthetiq
"violence is no more or less real than non-violence." roachboy