(Just For Fun) Stereotype Yourself...
American, which means I'm boorish, crude, self-centered, ignorant of international affairs and graceless.
I'm female, so I'm volatile and emotional all the time.
Single, I'm a HARDCORE lesbian bebe!!!!!
I'm in college, so of course I'm part of a sorority, get drunk off my ass every weekend, and have a crapload of money to spend that my parents have given me.
I have large breasts. So I am easy.
I'm skinny, therefore I must be bulimic or anorexic, obsessed with body image and feel secretly superior to anyone who weighs more 85 lbs.
I am sometimes quiet and shy, that means I am snobby and insecure.
I have AD/HD, which means that a) I don't have it, because it doesn't exist, or b) use it as an excuse for any mistakes I make either at work or in my personal life, bounce off the walls, talk at about 300 words a minute while covering five different subjects and sell my meds to high school kids for $10 a pill so they can chop it into powder and get a cheap high.
I dress nicely therefore, I'm high maintenance, have thousands on my credit card to finance clothes, take ages to get ready in the morning, and am afraid of breaking a nail or getting dirty
Last edited by lindalove; 04-09-2006 at 10:41 AM..