Originally Posted by nezmot
So did the guy who nearly blinded you carry a gun? Would you have been more or less in danger if he and his friends were carrying?
No, as far as I know, people in illinois who obey the gun laws don't carry. Now, the sad thing about this is that I knew this guy. Grew up with him and his family. Would I have been in more/less danger? The way I see it, this 'gang' thought that they could just use numbers and size to bully two people they saw as easy targets. If Illinois was a carry state, they just might have rethought their little plan if they thought we might be carrying. Nobody, not even a criminal, wants to get shot.
Originally Posted by nezmot
I'm not saying that non-carry states = gun free criminals - what I am saying is that they wont feel as though they HAVE to carry a gun. However, if someone is planning on running foul of the law in a carry state, they'd be a fool not to carry. Because they know the other guy will be. In that case, they have to be sure you either outnumber, or outdraw their victim. Nobody has been protected.
Whether its a carry state or not, if a criminal can get a gun, they will use it. They will use it because an unarmed person staring down a gun will comply quicker and quieter. The only thing that makes MOST of them pause, is the thought that their 'victim' may be armed and possibly shoot them.
Originally Posted by nezmot
Having a gun in your pocket can help you feel much safer as you walk home, but it's a comfort-blanket. If you're going to get mugged, you're going to get mugged. There really isn't anything you can do about it. The only difference is that if you draw your weapon, you're more likely to get shot.
I have posted dozens and dozens of real life incidents where people have used guns to save their lives or the lives of their families. Your assumption that a mugger will just stop after he/she gets what they want is just that, an assumption, and as a victim, having a gun could save your life. Criminals are more afraid of their victim being armed than they are the cops. Criminals also don't regularly practice with their illegally obtained firearms, unlike law abiding citizens who are licensed to carry theirs.