Originally Posted by guccilvr
Yes I'd make the child buckle up. I never said I didn't agree with the stats, and I would make sure the child had a chance at survival. Does this counter my belief?? Not really.. because I can't set a belief for the child. I just do what's best for the child and when they form their own belief I accept it.
This seems totally illogical to me. What do you mean you can't "set a belief for the child"? That would mean that you think death is predetermined just for yourself. If you're right about death being predetermined, which you think you are, then it's predetermined for
everyone, not just you.
I think fightnight was trying to trap you and it seems that he's got you. It doesn't make sense that you wouldn't buckle yourself up because you believe that when it's your time to die, it's your time to die but you would want to give your child "a chance at survival." You've already said you don't believe in mitigating your chances of dying (giving yourself a chance to cheat death), so your argument here doesn't make sense.