I remember when this was first announced. I thought, "Gosh will I actually need to get a console now?" Luckily that has been answered! "Of course not!"
I thought this game could have been pretty cool. When they were first giving us information on it, the graphics looked awesome, and the idea of playing StarCraft as an FPS was pretty appealing to me. If I recall correctly (and I probably don't), when they originally began design, it was meant to be a single-player experience only (i.e. heavy on story and action sequences). I didn't follow it very closely, but I remember at some point they were boasting about the multiplayer. After watching a gameplay trailer, I was shocked at how poor the MP component looked.
I guess this will teach Blizzard to never let anyone else touch one of their products. All I hope now is that they will announce StarCraft 2 and leave Ghost in the dust. E3 and Blizzcon are both coming up... hopefully they will announce something that DOESN'T have to do with World of Warcraft.