Originally Posted by Zeraph
HK-47 stuff
Reminds me of Nordrom from Planescape: Torment (the best game I've ever played, in any genre, on any platform). Without getting too detailed, he's a rogue Modron, which is basically a sentient machine, sort of... Anyhoo, some good stuff of his...
Morte: Hey Nordom, knock-knock.
Nordom: Why do you persist in addressing me as a door?
Morte: It's a joke, you stupid polygon! You're supposed to answer "Who's there?"
Nordom: I know who is there. It is you. Why would I ask a question when I already know the answer?
Morte: Just forget it.
Fall-from-Grace: You know, Nordrom, you are perhaps the cutest little rogue modron I have ever encountered.
Nordom: 'Cutest' is a subjective term. I prefer the designation "fearsome cubed warrior".
Fall-from-Grace: Of course! That's why you're so cute.