kinda funny isn't it - replying to a thread a few months after its start.
Anyway, I'm with you on this show. I was perusing a firefly forum late last year and saw that Joss Whedon says this is his favourite show - that piqued my interest and I ummm acquired the first episode (of season 1).
Well, I was hooked. Of course the local FTA station that has the rights in Oz advertised this like it was another OC or Beverley Hills 90210, and only played about 5 episodes before wondering why their briiliant ads hadn't brought any viewers. Thus it was put back on a shelf and replaced with simpsons re-runs.
I see that I am digressing, so back to the show at hand.
You know you are really hooked on a show when on the day/evening it plays in the US, you keep refreshing your favourite torrent site to see if the episode is up
The kinda funny thing - in the first season, they always moved the main mystery on each week (i.e. who killed Lily). In the second series it is not obvious sometimes that what they are doing in an episode relates back to the bus crash - still engrossed and finding season 2 better that season 1.