Hey all,
I wasn't sure where to stick this here in Computers or in Gaming. Please move if it's needed.

I did a keyboard search I came up with countless entries

that didn't actually answer what I needed.
My question is between the Logitech G15 and the Zboard. I'm a gamer. I actually play a variety of games. FPS, MMO's and others. My main outlook is something that will be more of a gamer help issue.
I've got to know about the pros, cons and stuff. I need to know is either of these going to withstand constant use, wearing of the letters/numbers on the keys, compatiblity with Win2k as well as XP.
My situation is it will be primary used in EQ2. I have a 10 yr old that uses my computer to play EQ2, as well as a buddy of the BF uses it when he's over to network FPS and some silly game called Subspace (it's called something else though

The friend of BF is rather rough on the arrow keys. (I'm a wsad user) I really don't want to put out the money for one of these and end up with it broke in one play session. The kid is quite gentle after she learned on her first computer how keyboards go quickly with abuse (ie soft drinks, koolaid, water, you know the drill

I'm not looking for a wireless... though that would be a advantage. I really like the idea of the Zboard, but I also like the G15. The only current problem I would have with the G15 is I'm currently running 2k til I find my XP disk. Don't ask. I lose things easily and quickly.
Here's the G15 link direct from Logitech
Logitech G15
Here's the Zboard link from Zboard
I really don't mind the price on either. I plan on making a careful decision and getting the one that would be the better for myself. Most likely I'll ban anyone that gets rough on either one I get.
It's a case of torn apart and want both !
Let me hear your thoughts if you were getting or your opinions on if you have either.
Edit: Fixed the link problem