Originally Posted by maleficent
Choice of healthcare plans would diminish.. what works for me - might not work for others...
Did they say there is one plan and one plan only or are you assuming that?
I'm a cheapskate, if a person opts to have 4 kids, their choice-- under this plan, it doesn't seem that they are paying any more for insurance.. they should... I should not be paying the same amount as someone who has more than just themself.
Check with your employer it's probably like that already to some extent. With mine, I pay for me, my wife, and our daughter. However, any additional kids do not result in more costs. That is quite standard so there isn't much of a change there.
A 25 year old under a family plan is ridiculous - get a job and start paying on their own insurance.
Lots of people are able to keep health care under their parents policies into their 20's. I did. This may extend it a bit but not by a lot. Again, how is this that different?
Quality of healthcare I don't see improving...
That's a meaningless blanket statement. The intent is to get people covered and penalize them if they don't get coverage (ie, they will lose their personal exemption on their state taxes). Uninsured people are way more likely to get coverage and not pay up. This passes the cost onto everyone else.
I think this is a great idea although I think a fine of 300/year is way too little. It should be more on the order of $2000.