Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Absolutely its worth a try. At least it would be a welcome change to fighting crime instead of banning ownership.
I'm beginning to think that we are making the same argument, but simply have different perspectives. If it were possible to have ONLY responsible gun ownership without worrying about criminals (or bad governments, organizations, etc.) getting their hands on guns, then I would be the first to sign up. I don't want to take away rights that people believe are theirs. You are a responsible gun owner (based on what you've written), and it wouls seemingly serve no one to take your weapon. The problem is that just like you say a gun ban won't work, neither will guns for everyone. There has to be SOME element of control or responsibility. That is why we have background checks and waiting persiod when purchasing guns here in the US. The problem is that these measures, while usefull, are not nearly as effective as they should be. Changes must be made. Steps have to be taken to ensure that guns fall into responsible hands. Do you know how many unrigestered guns there are in the US alone?
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
There are but I will have to get them together and post them later after work. Defensive home measures are not 'bad' or worthless. It's just that they are not enough. Personally, I don't think there are ever 'enough' safety and security measures, but thats just me. home security is one thing, but its after those are breached that is an issue. Tasers, sprays, and nonlethal weapons require very close contact and, as such, are not as safe as something used from a considerable distance. They are also not as effective as lethal weapons. Big dogs are great, for alarm systems. They are not so great at protection. I know this from personal experience as MY big dogs only dangerous attributes are its tail (that might knock you out if it hit you) and its tongue, by licking you to death.
My beagle is pretty much the same.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Your sentiment of sparing life is admirable, but concerning people who care so little about life that they have no problem killing 85 year old grandmothers and 1 year old children, it is totally unwarranted. It is these types of violent and dangerous people that should be exterminated at every opportunity.
And this is where we differ. You want to
exterminate people? The fact that I disagree with the death penatly aside, it is up to the courts to decide whether or not we execute members of society. If you are a responsible gun owner, you will seek to DISABLE your assailent, not execute them. There is a big difference betwen the two, similar to the difference between a responsible gun owner and a gun nut.