I emailed the Papa John's website and they forwarded it to some department on where exactly the money goes. I'll let this board know the answer from them when I receive a response. If the money goes straight to the driver, then I feel as if that is the "tip" and none extra is necessary.
On a side note, delivery charges vary from location to location and from different franchises. In some places it might be $1.00, others $1.50. Where I order from it was recently increased to $1.50 which I feel is quite ridiculous. If i order a pizza that costs $7, then you add in the $1.50 delivery charge, plus ~$0.75 for tax, and ~$1.50 for the driver tip, you reach ~$10.75 for a $7 item. Using those numbers, 35% of the money is paying for the delivery, which IMO, is too much.
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.