Originally Posted by Toaster126
Did you read it? I'm confident most if not all of it applies to NL. If something doesn't, feel free to discuss it.
I think you'll find that not true.
(I'm going to take a wild guess that it isn't that different in Belgium, so...)
You get paid a bit more than minimum wage, you don't have your own insurance, your own vehicle *or* your own gas to pay, since the law here requires that the business provides these items for you. No tip is ever included in the bill from the start though, so that seems to stay the same.
I think the big difference tho, is that around here, they can't pay you less than minimum because it's expected you'll be tipped.
(That's one thing I find totally idiotic about the system in the US, that they'll pay you less than minimum wage, because they expect people will tip you... Why is it called minimum wage then?)
I've read the page about tipping and reasons why... Apart from it being extremely inflated, and contradictory in half what it says, I can certainly agree with the first point: "It shows you appreciate the service. "
Sadly, most people don't...