04-05-2006, 07:20 AM
#4189 (permalink)
Sky Piercer
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Originally Posted by stevo
After the_jazz post I took another look at their shoes and notices a left leg in the background. He's got some bright blue pants on it with black socks, but his pants are pulled up like he's playing baseball or something. Maybe after the cops turn the fire hoses on them they'll be able to wade home with their cuffs bone-dry.
You shouldn't pick on that guy too much. He's obviously the geek of the group since he's only one in white shoes. He most likely is rioting because he's been mercilessly mocked in his local Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey Club (Fromage-Manger Le Club De Singe De Reddition or FMLCDSDR). He deserves our pity, not our scorn.
Long live the FMLCDSDR and their black hoodies, black shoes and grey sweatpants!