Originally Posted by pennywise121
Therein lies the rub, however, because the natural course already doesnt happen in all circumstances. i had my appendix removed about two and a half years ago. i should be dead, but i chose to have a natural-course-changing procedure done.
That's a perfectly natural course. Bacteria in your appendix stimulated pain sensors, which sent electrical signals into your brain, causing atoms to be bounced around in your brain in such a way that caused electrical signals to be sent down nerves to your mouth and hands and feet, which all did some stuff that ended you up in the hospital. You only perceived this special bouncing around of atoms in your brain as choice.
This all reminds me of the duck-rabbit. One guy says it's a duck; one guy says it's a rabbit; it can't be both at the same time if it's being interpreted in that sort of a way, and yet it is both, and neither. That sort of thing. It's all being misinterpreted. We need to step back and see the big picture. Don't ask me how to do that.