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Old 04-04-2006, 04:08 PM   #46 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Pip
I've been a guinea pig twice.

The first time I got to look at series of pictures and sometimes when certain pictures showed up I would recieve an electric shock in my hand. They measured my anticipation of pain by checking how much I sweated. Afterwards my hand felt tingly and weird for a couple of hours, but I guess I got off better than Pavlov's dogs. I got some movie gift cards for my pains.

The other time I was swathed in pale yellow hospital blankets and put into one of those brain scan machines. They use liquid nitrogen to cool the magnetic field generator down (the magnetic field is 1.5 Tesla!) and I was going to lie there for half an hour so the three layers of blankets were necessary. My head and jaw were locked firmly to place by a terrifying contraption - I could literary not move my head one millimeter - and on my cheek, my fingertip and the arch of my foot little tubes were placed. They would let out a tickling puff of air sometimes, somewhat depending on the pictures I once again got to look at. It was much more pleasant than getting zapped. Contrary to what one might think, these two experiments were completely unrelated. Apparently it's a popular set-up. This time I got about $40 and AWESOME X-RAY PLATES OF MY BRAIN!!!!!!! I count these among my most prized possesions. After all, how many have solid evidence of them actually having a brain?
... you only got paid 40 dollars???
fyi: I am a female
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