The idea of pilots with guns in planes makes me nervous. I know there are lots of weapons that can get through metal detectors... not just exotic ones like Lebell was saying. Somebody could do something as simple as sharpening a broken piece of PVC pipe or a lexan plastic camping knife, and it would be just as lethal as a real knife.
However, giving pilots guns is still a bad idea. If a gun was fired in a plane, it would rip a hole through the side, causing the plane to depressurize. I think a much better idea would be to teach the pilots close-quarters combat, and give them a close-quarters weapon, like an electric stun gun or something similar.
The bottom line is, if people really want to hijack a plane, chances are they will find some way to do it. If a pilot has a gun, and there are 3 or 4 hijackers, it's unlikely that he or she will be able to fight them all off before they close distance and the gun is more of a hazard than an advantage. Also, in that kind of a fight, the passengers would be at a greater risk of being hit by the pilot than the hijackers would.
I just think there are other options available that should be looked at before giving pilots guns.
I'd rather be climbing...
I approach college much like a recovering alcoholic--one day at a time...
Last edited by phoenix1002; 04-20-2003 at 09:02 PM..