Originally Posted by dksuddeth
but you are powerless to resist, should the government decide that the free press, speech, religion, and assembly is outdated.
Which really means that you are only free as long as the government lets you be free.
First, this is a hypothetical situation. While I do think that the government is trying to take away freedoms, they have been largely unsuccessful. While the Patriot Act does test the boundries of reason, it is still widely considered wrong and there are many people, myself included, who have take active rolls against it.
Also, even though the government has guns, I am one man standing among many. I would not be alone in the fight against tyrany IF my freedoms were to be taken away.
The fact is that the situation that you propose is only hypothetical, as right now there is no need for weapons to defend our freedoms. We have tools such as the law and the ability to protest.