Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I guess it being a law doesnt make any difference to you either?
Many times, laws that only effect the person who chooses whether or no to heed are ignored in the name of personal freedom. Smoking marijuana is likely the best example of this line of thinking.
If people want to be careless with their lives, that's fine with me, it's their choice. I do think, however, that people who don't wear a seatbelt should get an automatic DNR- Do Not Resuscitate. This way, the state doesn't have to pay to keep their mangled, comatose bodies alive in an Intensive Care Unit, we can go ahead and let their body expire on the street, how they wanted it. Because that's the only way their decision impacts others- the machinery used to keep them alive after being chewed up in an accident.
Very sorry to hear about that, clavus.