There are many countries with fully functioning stable democracies, strong restrictions no (legal) gun ownership, and a low incidence of gun related injuries.
The problem is this: it doesn't matter how stable the democracy ( and what's so great about mob-rule anyway? ), how strong the restrictions, or how low the incidence of injury. What matters is
FREEDOM. Without the ability to resist with arms, the people are unfree. Period. Freedom, not safety or public image or democracy, is what's important here. "Without freedom, there can BE no Justice."
In Japan, for instance, which is often touted as an anti-gun paradise, the Police can enter your home and search it at any time, without a warrant or probable cause. You can be arrested without a warrant, and the burden of proof is on the defendant; you are presumed Guilty until proven otherwise. This is not Freedom, this is a Samurai fiefdom redefined as a Corporatocracy.
Likewise in the UK, where six men can be arrested, tortured, convicted on the basis of coerced and inconsistant testimony...and then, when all of the above is discovered, the Judge can refuse to acquit or release them
because it might make the courts look bad. Look up the Birmingham Six if you don't believe me.
Ireland is the one truly glaring exception to this; IMO, this is because of an extremely active and engaged electorate which wields its' venom and votes like a bullwhip. The threat of a resurgent ( Official ) Irish Republican Army also probably helps.