I totally agree with JustJess. If one looks at it from a purely mathematical standpoint - with the total population of the earth, the probability of "The One" being in the same geographical location as yourself is pretty darn low. Even if you limit it down to just the population of your country, the odds are still extremely poor. I live in the US, which has a population of 293 million people (according to the US census breau for 2004). About 1/2 those people are female...which reduces it down to 146 million people. Also, we can limit it down since 25% of the population is below 18 and 12% is over 65 (with me being in my 40s). So we reduce the that number by 37% to get a number of approximately 92 million women that could potentially be my "soul mate". The odds of being struck by lightning: 576,000 to 1 That means I am 159 times more likely to get struck by lightning than to find my "soul mate".
So you can see, the odds really are against this concept. But, most people seem to find "The One" in their own back yard so to speak (school, work, town, circle of friends, etc).
It is more important to find someone who fits you well, that you can make each other happy, and that you can grow together with. To get hung up on the idea of a "soul mate" I think is to set yourself up for dissapointment and dissatisfaction.