Alright, I'll have to look later for data to back up this argument (it's pretty easy to find), however I'll lay it out anyway:
Yes, sunscreen can prevent you from outright burning, however it does this by having you slather chemicals over nearly your entire body. Many doctors, university researchers and study groups are finding that the increase in skin cancer over the past 50-60 years is most likely linked to the USE of sunscreen. Human beings have spent most of their time out in the sun for several millenia, and our bodies are well adept at handling it. For most people, even many fair-skinned ones, burning once or twice at the beginning of the summer will keep you from really burning again as you stay out in the sun. While the ultraviolet rays CAN be damaging to skin cells, that damage is countered to a degree by thousands of years of genetic development. However, we have not developed an internal way to counter chemicals all over our body. This being said, my personal recommendation based on a fairly decent amount of reading on the subject is:
Babies - MAYBE use a light amount of sunscreen, preferably only on areas not covered and primarily protect them by keeping them in the shade
Kids - Pull them out of the sun every 30 minutes or so to make sure they aren't getting red. Don't have them fry all day, and I really don't recommend sunscreen for kids.
Adults - Use common sense. You KNOW what it takes to burn you. Almost every human on the planet CAN adjust to sun exposure. Fair-skinned redheads CAN do it... but you need to take it slow. Know you're going to the ocean for vacation in June? Start spending more time outside in May with less clothing on (sunbath in your backyard or pool if you can). At any rate, I know I need to find supporting articles and they'll be forthcoming shortly.
Note to Ustwo, yes... but think about it. What is it DOING to prevent all those UV rays? That nice slick of aluminium-based (or other) chemicals coating your body. Sounds great, right?