Ok, as to the opening question. Yes, it is possible to stop looking at internet porn.
Now, as to your situation.
Why do you want to stop looking at porn? I'm not suggesting that every person in the world must watch porn, but if it's not harming your life in anyway, you don't really need to cut it out of your life. If you really are determined to cut something out of your life, remember why you want to if you need motivation. ie: i'm a skinny fucker. And I remember that every time I want to tell my spotter "i'm tired" when i'm not maxed out.
As for how to cut back. Do other things that give you similar feelings. Do you watch it to arouse yourself so you can masturbate? Well, if that's the case, you don't need porn to masturbate. I'll let you insert your own way to create the feelings.
There is no amount that is ok. Nor is there an amount that is bad. I don't watch a lot of porn while one of my friends watches a ridiculous amount of porn. We're both productive members of society with stable social relationships etc. What might be a lot to one person, may be too much for another.
I did watch less when I was with my ex, but it might've been because we spent time together, time that probably would've been spent at home instead of out. Arguably, the same thing can be said with friends. If you spend more time with your friends, that less time you have to watch porn.
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"
--Kevin Smith
This part just makes my posts easier to find