Originally Posted by Gilda
I generally don't drink, because I've seen how it affected my father when he drank, and because I did a remarkable number of really stupid things while drunk in college, so about six or seven years ago, I decided I'd just not drink anymore. It isn't meant as a judgement regarding those who do drink, it's just how I feel about my drinking.
I'm not always completely on the wagon, though. Sometimes I'll have a dollop of brandy in my evening tea, and once in a great while I'll have a little wine. Last night I was having a bad night, and had a couple of glasses of wine to relax me, and it worked, but now I'm regretting it because I don't like the idea of dealing with my problems by dulling them with alcohol, and I was a little more . . . a little less in control in chat than I'm comfortable with, and ended up saying something potentially offensive that I later regretted. Note again, I'm only talking about myself, and not anybody else in this thread.
I had a similar experience: when I was 16 or so my younger brother got trashed with one of his friends at home and abused me and I took it far more seriously than I should have. So until I was almost 22 I was completely dry. Then one day that changed. It was kind of like an epiphany. My family laughs about that.
Now I drink because it makes me more socially aggressive, makes me feel different in a good way, and it makes me less likely to be offended by anything people say (to the extent that I am easily offended in the first place). I almost always drink around other people. But sometimes I will have a few shots of good vodka mixed with fruit juice or straight up goldschlager alone, usually to relax while talking to somebody on the internet. I do not consider myself an alcoholic because I often go weeks or months without drinking anything, and I do not drink just to drink. I bought $350 worth of strong liquors last September and still have the vast majority of it.