Originally Posted by stevo
I think the point a lot of anit-gun folks miss is that there are things in life you can't control (a out of control vehicle running you down), things you cont control much (like dying in a fire), and things you can control (your own self-defense from a person meaning to do you harm). None of the pro-gun rights folk on this board are arguing that a gun will make them safe from everything. Only that being a well-trained, prepared gun owner puts your self-defense from an attacker in your own hands, more so than not having a gun would. Everyone knows you are more likely to die in a car accident than by a bullet and no one is arguing anything different. But that is no reason to leave your life in the hands of an attacker should you ever be in that situation. Most often the best arguement an anti-gun person can come up with is that it will never happen to you so you don't need to prepare yourself for it.
And, for the reverse -- it is possible, but unlikely, that a coconut will fall on my head and kill me on my next trip to the Caribbean.* I could wear a helmet for my entire trip. But I won't.
The non-gun-carrying-group wonders why the gun-carrying-group sees the world as such a dangerous place.
* Coconut deaths significantly outrank shark deaths.