Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Anybody else think Congress should address the second amendment, amybe clarify it for the modern times? Settle most of this debate once and for all.
I don't. Personally, I believe it is up to the communities to decide and the NRA and anyone else should stay the Hell out of it. Let the people decide what's best for them in this area.
Like abortion, school prayer, drugs and most other issues, let the voters decide in each state/city etc.
Think how many millions would be saved from the needless court battles. The less back logged the court systems would be and the less government intrusion there would be.
The people should have the right to vote what's best for their individual communities and government and people outside should respect those wishes.
Life would be much simpler and needless monies spent to enforce idiotic laws that are made to homogenize the country would be freed to be used elsewhere.