Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Again, I talk about MASS shootings. Specific targets are another matter entirely.
First off, although our opinions differ in some things, i've always held them in respect. I'm sorry if you are offended at my remarks about 'low regard for the capabilities of people', but you clearly state that that is your opinion with the following -
How am I to believe that you do not feel that way?
I do not believe that everyone that is licensed is going to be prepared to deal with most situations. I believe that maybe 25% of the people that are licensed and have trained still shouldn't be carrying a gun, but of those 25%, most of them will never find the strength to pull it any way if needed. But I do believe that more than half of those who go through the process of getting the training and the license are ready. Of all the people that I deal with on a 'friendship' basis, who are licensed, are MORE than ready. I shoot great, but these guys beat me hands down AND they have taken the extra steps in taking the tactical training that even most cops don't do. They are capable and ready.
When people are voting on whether to sell acohol in their county, fine, majority rules but we do NOT live in a democracy where mob rule can trample individual rights. As I once read, Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. We live in a representative republic where a majority does not get to override the rights of the minority.
Are any of the minority S.F.ers NRA members? If they are, then I'd say they got the best representation possible to keep mob rule from violating their rights.
I hardly think that by standing up for individual rights is 'dictating policy'. The majority does NOT get to remove the rights of a minority, or have you forgotten about the 9th, 10th, 13th, and 14th amendments of the constitution?
The problem is that S.F.ers, if this ban goes through, does not allow ownership PERIOD. Not even in their own homes. If all san fran wanted to do was outlaw handgun carrying in city limits, what do I care. People would still be allowed to use them for defense in their homes, but an outright ban on ownership violates the constitution.
edit - I did want to acknowledge this statement by you
I can completely understand that. I wouldn't want anyone to feel guilty for shooting anyone instead of the bad guy because of a missed shot, but we'll have to disagree on the part about letting the psycho keep shooting instead of someone playing 'rambo'. without someone shooting back at him, the psycho just gets to keep on killing innocent people and I couldn't live with that.
Edit: I want to acknowledge and thank you for the respect. Yes, we disagree at times, but you do so very respectfully and with honor. I am more the emotional messed up rebel, who's views sometimes get lost in my emotional tone. I don't think we are that far apart on the issue and there is far more common ground then differences.
I can live with how you came up with "low regard for the capabilities of people". I may not like it nor agree with the reasoning on your conclusion, but I am not as offended because of your explanation.
Like you, I watch people and it is my profession to know a little bit about psychology. Personal experience and observations have allowed me to believe most people would not react the way they should. There are exceptions, but the vast majority when facing a situation like that.... I just don't believe would handle it exactly beneficially.
Even if we use your choice of 25% who should not own guns, you still leave the opening that one of those 25% would have a gun and try to play Rambo and make the situation worse by getting more people killed.
That's not a chance I want to take.
I am not that familiar with the SF law, but if it is true they ban all gun ownership, then yes, there is legal recourse there because I truly believe in what you do on your private property, so long as it hurts no one else and does not affect anyone else's rights, you have the right to do as you please. You want to smoke weed in your house, it's your right. You want to own as many weapons as possible because you believe the revolution is coming tomorrow, then by all means own all you want (so long as you are not taking target practice close enough to my property that a ricochet or misfire can hit anyone on my property).
I believe in the rights of the people, I just believe in the voices of the people also and am naive enough to believe that people in communities know what is best for themselves far better than I or the federal government know.