I primarily agree with MooseMan3000 and his lengthy bit of info. Personally, pre-paid phones are a generally bad thing unless you HAVE to. If so, his assessment was good... and also stay FAR away from TracFone.
As for carriers, while CDMA is not as high-tech, I still recommend Verizon. I've used T-Mobile ant AT&T and both had terrible call quality across the nation, and AT&T had the worst customer service ever (even worse than Sprint). I have Sprint for work and it's okay... but it's JUST okay. I use Verizon for my personal plan now and have been VERY pleased. No dropped calls, great quality, great customer service, good selection of phones. They also have high-speed cellular PCMCIA cards for laptops that are reasonably priced AND are truly highish speed.
As for the price markup, it appears to be relatively fixed. My plan is $98.96/mo (discount plan through employer) and I actually PAY (with taxes and fees) $117.18. It's the same everywhere, more or less. In the long run it's worth it to have reliable service.