Originally Posted by Derwood
cool. I actually pulled the wedge out recently because I thought she wasn't sleeping well with it (rolling around a lot and ending up laying sideways in the crib instead of lengthwise). We'll see if that helps.
The question that doesn't answer, however, is why she has no ear pain at all when napping in the same crib during the day...
My kids did that well until they were 4 or5-never ended up the same way we tucked them in.
Threadjack: we had bunk beds and son slept on top. the ladder down was at the foot of the bed and he had that more or less memorized. one night, in an attempt to go to the bathroom, he did the automatic move to get out of bed and landed on the floor-he had turned in his sleep to be across the bed and didn't know....when he went for the ladder, it wasn't there.
They don't know they're supposed to stay put, but eventually they do. In the meantime, they will turn and twist and end up on all ends and corners.