Originally Posted by The Dunedan
All the nicities aside, the Victim Disarmament debate must, in the end, be reduced to this:
850,000 dead bodies.
That's the number of people, at the very least, that you anti-Rights people are going to have to pile up in order to make even a handgun ban a reality. There are 85,000,000 known, legal gunowners in this country; if even 1% decide to resist you, you will have to kill nearly a million people. You'll also have to bury an unknown ( but probably at least an equal ) number of your Jackboots. You'll be right up there with Pol Pot, aren't you proud?
10% resistance ( a more likely figure, IMO ) puts the body-count you'll need to rack up at 8.5 MILLION. You're getting into Hitler Country now, man...really moving up in the world.
Try to disarm us, and we will SHOOT YOU. You will have to kill us, in significant numbers, to make us stop SHOOTING YOU. You will have to exterminate whole families; women and children and babes-in-arms. You will have to commit a genocide which will write your names in blood and infamy for all of history. You will have to destroy a distinct culture with its' own language and way of life. You will have to become monsters.
If you're fine with that, go ahead. But don't cringe from me and say "That's not what we're going to do! We're just trying to help you! Yes, it IS what you're trying to do. You are intentionally ( and in many cases gleefully ) pushing towards a situation which will precipitate genocide, mass murder, the death of a civilization. You are slouching towards Armageddon, my friends; continue and join the ranks of the Damned. Just don't say nobody warned you.