Losing my mind and my fiancee.
I don't know what's going on and I already have a appointment with my doc, but lately I can't for the life of me remember certain things. I usually have a good memory and even a gift for memorization (i.e. drama scripts) but recently I can't remember things that happened the same morning. For example, on my anniversary I woke up with my fiancee and we went to a diner for breakfast, put our dog in the car and drove down the coast to find a nice little beach and spent the day there. When we arrived back at home, I could NOT, for the life of me, remember anything that had just happened in the last seven hours. It was only when my fiancee starting reminding me with great detail of what we did that I started to regain some idea of what occured.
I'm studying for my real estate license and have read every chapter in that book twice, but it just keeps 'falling' out of my head. Lyrics to songs that I have had memorized (time frame varies, could be for 5 years could be 5 months) are disappearing from my thoughts.
The first time the memory 'glitch' happened it was accompanied by a small headache focused in the back left side of my head (my left, behind my left eyeball) and it has not subsided since then. It also, occasionally, works its way to the front and makes my left eyeball hurt. It sounds weird, I know.
I used to be a hardcore germaphobe (mysophobic was the technical term I believe) and was able, through alot of psych sessions, overcome it. The other day, however, the dog peed in her box and was covered in urine, I went to let her out and she shook it off, splattering my face with drops of urine. I freaked out and had to immediately take a hot shower, which didn't help much, during which I went back to my scratching phase of my myso and scratched the skin off of the opposite side of my wrist.
All of these "abnormal" mind-sets are starting to worry me and most of all my fiancee. She wants to have kids but not kids that are going to have health problems. I agree, but I don't know what to do.
I thought I would share with the tilted world and see if anyone has an idea of what is causing this, some advice on what I should do regarding my fiancee, or some general insight they would like to share on the topic.
P.S. Sorry if this is the wrong forum... I will repost in general ... I just don't wanna seem like I am spaming.
originally posted in Tilted Health & Fitness Forum.
" A dead Lois?!?" - Stewie
" Does this look like a Q to you? ... How 'bout now?" - Quagmire