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Old 03-30-2006, 07:42 AM   #146 (permalink)
Antikarma's Avatar
Location: Yellowknife, NWT
Credit goes to the folks at 40oz

Playing this game two or more consecutive episodes of 24 may cause Alcohol Poisoning or serious liver damage.

May God help you if you are watching a series on DVD. With that said... Enjoy!
Never Empty Beer Mug

1. The time is displayed. (1 Drink)
2. There is an explosion, a bomb going off, or a plane/helicopter crash. (1 Drink)
3. A tender or sentimental moment is interrupted by a ringing cell phone. (2 Drinks)
4. There is a major plot twist that renders a significant amount of work done by CTU/Jack Bauer useless. (1 Drink)
5. Someone you thought was with the "good guys" is revealed to be in with the "bad guys." (2 Drinks)
6. Someone is held at gunpoint. (1 Drink)
7. A defibrulator is used (1 Drink).
If it actually saves the persons life. (2 Drinks)
8. Someone dies. (1 Drink)
If they're a A CTU / Governmental executive or other major plot character. (2 Drinks)
If the person is killed just before they reveal important information, discover something crucial, or solve some puzzle. (3 Drinks)
9. Jack Bauer miraculously recovers from an injury or very narrowly escapes certain death. (2 Drinks)
10. Jack Bauer does something that is against protocol. (1 Drink)
If he gets caught. (2 Drinks)
11. Jack Bauer asks to speak to the president. (1 Drink)
If he says "It's important." (2 Drinks)
12. Jack Bauer yells, "Drop your weapon!" (1 Drink)
13. Jack Bauer says, "You just have to trust me" (1 Drink)
14. Jack Bauer interrogates someone. (1 drink)
If Jack gets pissed off and yells, throws things (or them) around. (2 Drinks)
If Jack kills them afterward. (3 drinks)
15. Some computer whiz at CTU decodes, analyzes, decrypts, or hacks something. (1 Drink)
16. Kim Bauer says or does something extraordinarily stupid. (gets kidnapped, lies to the authorites, etc) (2 Drinks)
17. An old character who you thought was dead, fired, or gone forever comes back to surprise everyone (2 Drinks).
18. Someone is being a complete asshole, or a total moron and is preventing CTU, Jack, or the "good guys" from saving the day. (1 Drink)
If the above someone is Kim or Sherry (2 Drinks)
19. Sherry Palmer says "I'm doing this for you, David", or "This is for the good of your Presidency". (2 Drinks)
20. Someone on Palmer's staff advises him not to do something. (1 Drink)
If he does it anyway. (2 Drinks)
21. Someone on Palmer's staff does something sneaky behind his back. (1 Drink)
If Palmer fires them for it. (2 Drinks)
22. Information is leaked to the press. (1 Drink)
If the leak was unintentional (2 Drinks)
23. Someone without government clearance is told a secret they aren?t supposed to tell anyone. (1 Drink)
They tell someone anyway. (2 Drinks)
If Someone is Kim. (3 Drinks)
24. Something bad happens three seconds before the episode ends. (Finish your Drink)
"Whoever you are, go out into the evening,
leaving your room, of which you know each bit;
your house is the last before the infinite,
whoever you are."
Antikarma is offline  

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