Getting paid to have your sack fondled
A friend of mine at uni is quite into lifting weights and consequently, he’s a fucking meat axe. However, lifting ridiculously heavy weights has its downside in that it can result in hernia and you guessed it, my friend developed one of the scrotal variety. Now the emergence of the hernia isn’t the funny part of the story, the funny part is that he used it to make money in a manner that I regard to be a subtle form of prostitution.
Last week he got an examination at the UTAS doctor’s surgery. Upon consultation, the doctor asked if he’d be comfortable in having 60-something fourth year medical students examining his sack over the course of a three hour period. The doctor further added that there’d be $200 bucks involved. Being the starving, poor and shameless motherfucker he is, he agreed.
The next week, he shaved his junk and went to the Royal Hobart Hospital for the three hours of relentless molestation. It pretty much all went without a hitch while he stood there getting his balls cupped and fondled by various men and women of various ethnicities. However, then came the hot Italian chick and the subsequent thought of her handling his junk. This resulted in a half erection which he fought with nobility and righteousness by biting of his tongue until it bled.
The end.
So guys, has anyone here slutted out their body to science?
Last edited by bing bing; 03-29-2006 at 01:04 PM..